Wednesday, November 6, 2013


I just wanted to get back on here for everyone wondering how Mike made out with his testing.   We have not yet officially met with the oncologist who ordered the PET scan and the CEA test.  Mike was supposed to see the doctor on 10/22/13.  However, since he was already taking time off work the next day for his biweekly Vitamin C infusion, he did not want to take additional time off work.   His employer/adopted family would not have had any problem with him doing so.  Hence, he reschedule his appointment to Wednesday, November 27th. 

The unofficial report is that the cancer has shrunk in the liver and lungs.   It states that the cancer visualized in the PET scan from April is NO LONGER VISUALIZED!  His CEA level is down to 5.  Dr. Weber wants Mike to continue taking the Artesunate (Chinese worm wood) and is having that sent to him. 

We are so thrilled and cannot wait to see what the oncologist has to say about this. Mike, as noted above, is continuing his biweekly Vitamin C infusions.  Through the LORDSCANCERCARE account that was set up for Mike, we purchased an Infra Red Sauna that he can use at home. He was previously seeing an alternative doctor to have this treatment done weekly.   Now he can do it in the convenience of our home and on his time schedule.  He is continuing with his diet - no sugar, no starches, eating wild caught seafood and fish, eating organic chicken and vegetables (only the ones that grow above the ground).   When Mike puts his mind to it, he can accomplish anything.

Mike made the decision back before we left for Germany that after he got back home, he was not going to have any further chemotherapy because of the damage that it does to the body. He does recognize that the chemotherapy did, in fact, shrink his tumor with the 7 treatments he had.  However, the chemotherapy also destroys the good cells in the body.   He states that he did not go to Germany to "pump up" his immune system so that his body could fight this cancer only to have it destroyed by further chemotherapy.

People have asked me what I think about this decision.  Although it may ultimately affect me, it is not my decision to make.  Mike was the one who was physically going through this poisonous treatment to kill the cancer cells.  I respect and support whatever decision he makes in his fight. 

I will add another entry once we meet with the oncologist and get his official interpretation.   At that time, since Mike no longer wants any chemotherapy, his port will probably be removed.   Again, if there is anyone reading this blog that has any questions about our journey and what we have experienced, please contact me at and put LORDSCANCERCARE  in the subject line.  I have been fortunate to correspond and talk with a few people who have contacted me, and I hope I was able to give them some information to help with any decision they may be trying to make about whether or not to go to Germany.