Monday, August 26, 2013


Monday, August 26th

This morning we went downstairs prior to breakfast and met with Verena.  I have spoken to her through email when I made the arrangements for our stay.  Mike had some papers to fill out so that Verena could put together his chart with all the records I previously sent here.   At that time, we greeted Dr, Weber as he arrived at the clinic.  He told us to have breakfast, go for bloodwork, and then meet with him to go over Mike's treatment plan while here.  He told us that Mike would have the hyperthermia, hot packs to the liver, oxygen therapy, Mistletoe injections,  ozone therapy, bio mat therapy, magnetic field therapy,  Vitamin B injection He will have a massage three times a week.     He was given some supplements to take here besides the ones he has been taking at home.

We have dinner mates who are here from France, Chris and Marion.   Chris has lung cancer which he was diagnosed just 5 weeks ago.  He and his wife arrived here last Thursday, but she leaves tomorrow to go back home.   We met Lloyd who is here from Florida, but unfortunately he left around lunch time.  He had a tumor in his mid section the size of a grapefruit, but his recent MRI showed it the size of a  golf ball.             There is a young woman here with her husband from England who has breast cancer.  We have only said Hello to them in passing.    It seems we arrived when new patients were coming in and other had finished their treatment and were leaving,

After Mike's early afternoon treatment, we went downstairs where they were having tea, coffee, and some sort of bread.  They have this afternoon tea every day.  We then decided to go for a walk.  The scenery is beautiful.   The mountains are not like back at home where there are foothills and then they gradually go up.  These mountains take straight off from the ground. The weather here is chilly.  We did put shorts on today, but wore a jacket which you then have to take off when you become warm from walking.  Of course, Mike had to check out the stream that runs by the clinic to see if there were any fish in there.  He said he should have brought his fishing pole.  Dr. Weber told us to have someone show us how to get to the train that goes up the side of the mountain, but we are going to wait until we have clear, sunny skies so we can really take in the view.

When we got back from our walk and came up to our room, we saw Dr. Weber.  He stopped us and had one of his employees go get Mike's bloodwork.    Mike's CEA level is now 14.31!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   This is amazing since Dr,Wyshock back home told us the toughest part would be to get Mike's level down from the 56.1 level than it had been for it to come down from 23,000 to 56.1.  He said Mike will have an ultrasound here at the clinic tomorrow morning.

Mike got back from his hour long hyperthermia treatment, and we went down for dinner which was a spicy cheese salad with ciabatta bread and fruit for dessert.

So today, the treatment consisted of bio mat therapy, magnetic field therapy, ozone drip, oxygen therapy, hyperthermia.  Tomorrow and Friday, he will have Mistletoe injections added to the above.  His massage this week will be Wednesday.


  1. We are so glad all is going well. We really enjoy reading your posts!

  2. How are things going for you at the moment? My father has stage 4 prostate cancer and yesterday, he traveled from North Carolina to Germany. I really hope and pray that he has a great experience. God Bless you and your family and many Blessings!

  3. Thank you for reading the blog. Mike is doing well. He had a PET scan last month and the unofficial result is that the cancer in the liver and lungs has shrunk and the cancer in the colon is no longer visualized. His CEA level is down to 5. What clinic did your father go to in Germany. We know of two people who have gone to Germany for prostate cancer and are doing well. I hope he gets the best possible treatment there. My prayer are being sent to you and your family as you go through this difficult time. Please keep me updated. I am sorry this took so long to get back to you but I have not checked this blog recently. I can also be reached at my email: if you would like to contact me that way.
