Saturday, February 8, 2014


The next item we purchased was an infra red sauna.   Mike had been undergoing these saunas once a week at a local alternative health practice along with his Vitamin C infusions.    He now can do this at home at his convenience.  He usually does this every other day for a 1/2 hour.   The sauna pulls the toxins out of his body.

The following comes from Rethinking Cancer
Infrared Sauna Therapy For Cancer
By Lawrence Wilson, M.D.

Inhibiting the Sympathetic Nervous System Relaxes and Heals the Body

The sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system in our bodies activates the brain, muscles, thyroid and adrenal glands in response to stress.
However, it strongly inhibits digestion, the immune response and eliminative organ function as well. Cancer patients desperately need more immune, digestive and eliminative activity.
Saunas have the ability to powerfully reduce the activity of the sympathetic system.
William Donald Kelley, DDS, shortly before he recently passed on, endorsed the use of only the near infrared sauna for the cancer patients.
Saunas powerfully inhibit the sympathetic system in several ways
*Heating the body greatly slows normal heat production, a sympathetic activity. (See Guyton, A., Textbook of Medical Physiology, 6th ed, p. 892). Saunas draw blood from the center to the periphery of the body to dissipate the heat. This also opposes an important sympathetic nervous activity, which is to draw blood to the central part of the body as a protection against attack.

Saunas cause the body to eliminate toxic substances of many kinds that irritate the tissues, keeping the body in a sympathetic state. These toxins include most pesticides, hundreds of other toxic chemicals and a number of extremely toxic metals as well, such as mercury.
Hyperthermia Damages and Even Kills Cancer Tissue
Hyperthermia is a well-known method of disabling weaker and more heat-sensitive cancers. While saunas are not nearly as potent as hyperthermia at 106-108 degrees E, infrared saunas can heat the body a few degrees, causing a fever. This is a much gentler method, much slower, but safer method and easier to tolerate and control.

Infrared lamp saunas are much better for this purpose than traditional saunas because near infrared saunas penetrate the skin and heat the tissues several inches inside the'body. Also, the lligts can be directed right at the cancer, which cannot be done with any other sauna, including far infrared or traditional types of saunas. This is another powerful advantage of the near infrared lamp sauna.

Improving Circulation Powerfully Removes Dead Cancer Tissue and Greatly Supports Nutrition and Oxygenation of the Body

Cancer often grows in tissues with poor circulation. This is unfortunately a cause of cancer all by itself. Saunas powerfully shunt the blood from the internal organs to the periphery of the body in an attempt to get rid of the heat. They also increase circulation to the lungs, improving oxygenation. This combination has a powerful stimulating effect on circulation. This can be an incalculable benefit for cancer patients, many of whom cannot or should not exercise much, and is particularly good for older patients as well for this same reason.

Decongesting The Liver And Other Internal Organs

Congestion of the liver, kidneys and other internal organs inhibits the detoxification of all toxic substances in our bodies. This is a very critical problem for cancer patients. For this reason, Dr. Max Gerson, MD, recommended coffee enemas, juices and other methods to assist liver and colon elimination.

Sauna therapy with near infrared, in particular, assists detoxification of these organs in two ways. We have already mentioned improved circulation to the entire body.

However, even more important is that saunas move blood away from the center of the body toward the extremities to get rid of the heat. This helps decongest the internal organs in a wonderful way. This is a key to their proper use as well. The sauna must be used several times daily for the best results, unless the patient cannot tolerate it well, then one session daily is okay. This is one reason we want patients to have their own inexpensive sauna unit at home

Here are pictures of the sauna we purchased:



  1. Thanks for such an interesting article here. I was searching for something like that for quite a long time and at last I have found it here. I got very useful information from this article. Infrared Sauna treatment Sydney

  2. Glad you found this useful. My husband also recently got Biomat which I have to update here on the blog.

  3. I had never considered the effects of poor circulation in relation to cancer and saunas before. I have to say that that makes a lot of sense. How much time would you say you're spending in the sauna each week, and do you usually use it in the mornings or the evenings? And do you use it before you shower?

    Ronni Casillas @ JNH Life Styles
