Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mike had his 6th chemo treatment (2nd round) on Monday, May 12th.  Prior to this visit, he had blood testing which included his CEA test.    This testing showed that his white blood cell count had gone down to 2.0.   However, the good news is that his CEA level went from 141 down to 26.7!!!

Because  of  where his white blood cells were at, another test was done on Monday to make sure it had not gone down any further.  If it would have fallen below 2.0, then Mike could not have had chemo.   The result came back that it had jumped up to 3.3.   The normal range is 4.0-10.5.   The doctor asked how he was doing with the nausea.  We told him that he was still getting sick.  He was initially placed on Phenergan and then was given Zofran.   The doctor had previously told him that he could double up on the Zofran.    He gave Mike an Ativan to take, feeling that he may be anxious about getting sick.  It seems to be helping.   He then sent him home with a prescription to take for the next few days after each chemo treatment.  He is usually sick Monday-Friday.  

Mike went back into the cancer center today to have his "take home chemo" cassette removed from his port. He comes home with this cassette that continues to pump chemo into his body for 48 hours.   Mike had told them that he was having difficulty drinking due to the pain of swallowing and that he did not have a lot of output of urine.   They then hooked him up to an IV to give him fluids so he does not get dehydrated.   Mike works outside so with the hot, humid weather coming and him not being able to drink, it takes a lot out of him.   That is when the sickness really bothers him.  He has been coming home after work and sleeping the rest of the evening on the couch before heading into bed for the night.   He has been a real trooper though.  He continues to work everyday except the day that he has chemo because that is an all day process.     He is my HERO. 

The doctor told Mike that he wants him to continue his chemo for a total of 12 visits.  He said at that time, he could go on a maintenance program, take a total break from the chemo, or go back to Germany.    Mike is hoping to return to Germany in August after the chemo treatments. We are also hoping that, although we know what the ill effects are from the chemo, that it can knock the tumors way down so the alternative treatment is Germany will have the best chance for success.   I have just emailed the most recent notes and blood test results to Dr. Weber to see how he thinks Mike should proceed.  He has already said that he feels a 2 week stay would be sufficient this time.   So we will be waiting to hear back from him.  

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