Monday, September 9, 2013

DAY 15 OF TREATMENT 09/09/13

Monday, September 9th

We begin week 3.   Mike was able to have all his shots and blood drawn this morning.  His BioMat treatment, ozone therapy, and his infusions were all able to be done at the same time today.  I guess that saves him an hour of treatment when these things can all be done together.   He is in his massage right now and his hot liver treatment here in the room is at 11:00.

We awoke today to rain and upon checking it appears that today we are 100% chance of rain this morning.  At the moment, it is not raining.  The afternoon is to be partly sunny with a high of 65 degrees They are calling for rain on Tuesday and Thursday with the remainder of the week being partly cloudy.  The highs for the rest of the week are in the low to middle 60s,  We had such beautiful weather yesterday and the past week that we really can't complain.  It is really a good day to read the book that Leah gave me.  It's that kind of day you just want to lay around and not do anything,

I forgot to mention yesterday that we had a 2nd new arrival while we were in Prien.   She is English but lives in France.  Her name is Clare Trijon.   Have not yet really had an opportunity to speak to her to find out her story.  Lindy leaves here tomorrow and is headed to Paris for a few days with her niece who lives in Frankfurt.  So.... another one in the gang will be leaving us.   Ivan and Kate are hoping to be able to move into the clinic.  There were a couple whose name had been crossed off the the list that we order our menu from so if that is definite, they can move in.  I think that would be the best thing for him as he still has some continued bleeding from his kidneys into his catheter.  If he is here and has a problem, it can be addressed right away.  I know that will make Kate feel better.

8:45 PM
Lunch and supper tonight were repeats so I will not comment on that.   Spent the day reading my book.  Did not venture outside at all.  Tonight after supper Leah, Lindy, Christy, Dennis, Shirley, Mike, and I spent the evening in the dining room talking.  They had champagne for Lindy's last night.  Nothing really exciting happened today.  We will see  tomorrow if Mike's blood test from today have any different results.


  1. Debbie praying for you guys!! It sounds like you are both really enjoying your time there which is AWESOME!! Things seem so hope filled and encouraging!! Praying blood work will come back improved -better yet completely normal!! :)
    -Kim Holter

  2. Thanks Kimmie. This is really an encouraging and hopeful place to be. The staff is so friendly. The support and prayers from home helps as well.
